Saturday, February 21, 2009

start of the blog

This is the new blog of sheytanElKebir. Previously I had posted on a number of forums my thoughts and ideas about iraq (mostly) and to a lesser extent about open-source Enterprise Resource Planning and ontology developments.

This blog is designed to amalgamate some of my ideas and I hope it creates an avenue for discussions on topical interests relating to iraq.

my areas of interest on iraq include:
defence developments
  1. economic liberalisation and development
  2. devolution of economic and political power from the centre (baghdad) to the regions
  3. development of Iraq's infrastructure including transportation, power generation
  4. development of iraq's massive solar power and farming resources

i will try to have a daily news section dedicated to items of news that don't make it to the more "mainstream" press categorised into a number of relevant categories

Finally a disclaimer about myself and my beliefs. I am not a "politician" or a "diplomat". I believe in the right of the people of Iraq to take control of their lives politically, culturally and economically. I am not politically correct, and via my experience of living with and dealing with Iraqis from different strata (especially the "upper strata" or "state class") I have come to my own conclusions as to the solutions for Iraq's long term ingrained problems.

In light of my strong views, I feel I should warn readers before delving more deeply into my posts that I may offend (sometimes quite vigorously) large sections of Iraq's (and neighbouring states') populations. If you are an:
  • arabist / ba'athist / saddamist / islamist
  • have a vested interest in (or is a member of) Iraq's upper and upper-middle class of the 1980s-2000s, including the so-called "educated elite", "senior civil servants" and "government contractors"
  • A member of (or supporter of) the current political elite in Baghdad and their "central authority" and expanded ministries.
  • got your job / position / government contract via cronyism / nepotism
  • is a worthless civil servant who wants to keep his/her job but is conscious of your lack of value-add to society
  • was a volunteer officer in saddam's military or any of the security apparatus of the state

then you will find this blog deeply distasteful and insulting, and its probably better avoided.

For the rest of the people of Iraq. This blog is for you. the downtrodden, oppressed masses, and the mute professional drowned under a sea of nepotism-propelled "elite".

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